
Mysterious New Developments in Reiser Case

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I just got back from a short and intoxicating vacation so I’m not really in the groove to post today. However, I have intriguing news that I thought I should share to you all.

I received an email from Louise Bashi, Communications Director at CBS News, with the subject: New Developments in the Case of Hans Reiser.

I thought the case is already closed after Hans Reiser proved his guilt by leading authorities to the body of his ex-wife Nina. However, there are some strange revelations that made me think otherwise.

A special report by CBS will feature these mysterious recent developments in Reiser case including an interview of Sean Sturgeon, Hans’ best friend and Nina’s former lover. A testimony by Reiser’s son is also equally intriguing as it talks about the possible involvement of the KGB.

Here’s a clip from this CBS special report:

You can also read the preview HERE.

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