October 5, 2011 was perhaps the saddest day for the tech industry when news broke out that Steve Jobs, the famous co-founder and leader of Apple, has passed away. Hailed as the Edison of our era, he created some of the most innovative, life-changing, and iconic products in recent years.
Rarely comes a human being who influences the lives of millions if not billions of people from around the world. It goes without saying that everyone, including his rivals, secretly admired Steve Jobs. Google, one of Apple’s closest competitors right now, wrote a simple tribute on its homepage, linking directly to Apple’s website. Even Bill Gates, who was his career’s biggest rival, had the following words to say:
“Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely.”
Steve Jobs was a man who has inspired a generation, not only with his technology, but also with his tenacious spirit. Despite facing many failures in his career, he kept coming back, even during times when death was looming over his head. The comeback man was unstoppable until the sad day came when he had to resign as the CEO of Apple. We recommend you check out brief article we wrote about Steve Jobs.
Today however, we leave you with a few of the most memorable and inspiring videos of Steve Jobs. He may not be with us today, but his touch of class still remains as the core part of the technology we use at the moment.
Steve Jobs’s Stanford Commencement Address
This is probably the most inspiring video you’ll find on the Internet. In it, he gives us some great advice on how to live our lives, and how to achieve our dreams, even when failure comes knocking on the door. Described as life changing and career transforming, the Stanford commencement address is one of his most-quoted speeches. The video, which was taken in 2005, will surely go on to inspire many other dreamers in the future.
The Magic Begins
This is a rare video of Steve Jobs unveiling the first Macintosh computer. Now, the event might not be as fascinating as it was then, but you can still feel the Apple magic. The Macintosh was one of the most important products Apple ever launched. It was also the first personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface.
Unveiling of the first iMac
The following video is from 1998 when he introduced the first iMac. The iMac, even though was never as popular as the iPad or iPhone, it was undoubtedly one of the most elegant computers made at that time. After releasing the iMac, Apple famously declared that "the back of our computer looks better than the front of anyone else's". The iMac was also the first product wherein the letter ‘i’ appeared. According to Steve Jobs, the letter ‘i’ stood for the Internet.
Presenting the first iPod
Here’s Steve presenting the iPod for the first time. The product completely revolutionized the way we listen to music today. Many, including Microsoft, have tried to copy their success, but they’ve failed miserably while doing so.
iPhone Introduction
In 2007, Apple completely revolutionized everything we knew about smartphones. The first fully touchscreen phone called iPhone was launched, breathing a new life into the insipid world of phones that just allowed users to talk. When Apple released the first ever iPhone, it was already 5 years ahead of any other smartphone around, making it one of the biggest products of the decade.
The iPad 2
Here’s a video of Steve presenting the iPad2. The iPad 2 was another game changer for Apple. This was also Steve’s second to the last official appearance for Apple.
The Importance of Saying No
Here’s another video of Steve at WWDC 97 where he emphasizes on the importance of saying ‘No’ in life. Minimalism has been the most important feature of all Apple products. I’m sure Steve, in his lifetime, had many more fascinating ideas that he never implemented upon, which, quite surprisingly, is the reason why he stands apart from the crowd. It is important to choose the best idea out of all the good ones and simply focus on it rather than running in 10 different directions. Microsoft made a huge mistake by focusing on everything that they laid their eyes on, which is why, products like Bing, Zune, and many others were huge failures. Apple, on the other hand, just made one product at a time, and made sure that it was the very best in the industry.
Steve and Bill
As we all know, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates shared a much-publicized rivalry. Though Steve and Bill had many things they disagreed on, at a very rare event, they both sat next to each other and exchanged great ideas about the future of technology. A must-watch for all geeks.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Here's To The Crazy Ones
Those who dared to think differently managed to change the world. Steve Jobs was a man who lived by this mantra, and yes, he changed the world. Here’s an unedited advert of Apple (Narrated by Steve), emphasizing the importance of thinking differently.
Rest in Peace Steve Jobs.
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