I have tried several good Twitter clients, but it was on my OS X desktop. The one that I really like most is twhirl. I later found out that twhirl is also available for Linux, but I will need to install Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) first for it to work. At that time, Adobe AIR for Linux is still in Alpha stage. However, it didn't stop me from installing AIR and twhirl on Linux. Though I successfully installed them on my Xubuntu Macbook Pro laptop, twhirl looked terrible and crashed often. I gave up and just wished Pidgin will someday integrate a twitter client.
Then came the good news; Adobe recently released the Beta version of AIR for Linux, so I gave twhirl another try.
Adobe AIR Beta + twhirl = Awesome!
Not only did I get the many features of twhirl (e.g. can change color schemes, search tweets, tweet notifications, ability to shorten URLs) I also enjoyed its stability and efficiency. No more crashes this time. I found out that twhirl is not resource hungry at all contrary to what others have said. I also noticed that it has lesser CPU and memory usage when running in Linux than in OS X.
Installing Adobe AIR Beta and twhirl in Linux is as easy as ABC. Here's how:
1. Dowload Adobe AIR Beta for Linux directly HERE:
Or go first to the download page HERE:
2. Download the latest version of twhirl directly HERE:
Or go first to the download page HERE:
3. Using the terminal, install Adobe AIR by first granting it the execution rights:
$ chmod +x adobeair_linux_b1_091508.bin
Then install it with:
$ ./adobeair_linux_b1_091508.bin
Here's how my terminal looks:

A graphical installer will then appear after the install command:

4. After you have successfully installed AIR, simply right-click on the downloaded twhirl package to install it, and then open it with Adobe AIR. A graphical installer will then show up:

5. Just click 'install' and then wait for a few seconds, and you are done. Have a look at my shiny Twitter desktop client:

Final Notes:
It's good to know that Adobe AIR is now getting better and better in Linux as there are plenty of great applications that rely on AIR. To wrap this up: Is twhirl currently the most awesomest Twitter desktop client for Linux?
You should check out gwibber. Native gnome goodness without the adobe overhead.
Thanks for the info. I'll go try it.
ReplyDeleteThis is very helpful. I have it installed on my Aspire One running Linux (Linpus), but I'm having trouble accessing the program to run it. It's not showing on my advanced menu or on my desktop.
ReplyDeleteI was able to edit my xml file for my SKype icon, but I'm striking out with Adobe Air.
Any advice?
A good tutorial on using twhirl and AIR on a netbook can be found HERE
ReplyDeleteIt also mentioned Aspire One. Hope that helps.
Or, if you are comfortable with the command line, use a command line twitter client