ESSENTIAL MAC OS X KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: Whether you are using Mac, Linux, or Windows, it is always important to know some of the most common keyboard shortcuts of your OS to get things done a lot quicker. So if you are new to Mac OS X, I have here a list of some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts that will help you become a power user. You don't have to memorize all these shortcut keys immediately and you can always print these and paste them on your wall. Without any more delay, here's a list of essential Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts:

Using Mac OSX Desktop:
* cmd + TAB: switch between applications
* cmd + M: Minimize
* cmd + H: hide the active window
* cmd + alt + esc: exit forced Application
* cmd + Q: close the active application
* cmd + W: Close active window
Using the Finder:
* cmd + delete: moves the selected files in trash
* cmd + shift + delete: empty trash
* cmd + I: get information
* cmd + alt: start a program by hiding other
* cmd + C: Copy
* cmd + V: paste
* cmd + X: cut
* cmd + A: Select all
* cmd + Z: undo the last operation
* cmd + shift + Z: Restores the last action
* cmd + N: New window Finde
* cmd + E: Eject the device or the virtual disk
* cmd + on the upper level passes
* cmd + Down: launches the selected application
* cmd + shift + A: Open the folder aplicando
* cmd + shift + U: Open the Utilities folder
Capture Screenshot :
* cmd + shift + 3: Capture the entire screen (or screens)
* cmd + shift + 4: Select the area to capture
* cmd + shift + 4, Spacebar: Select the window to capture
Usually for Troubleshooting: (hold down key/keys immediately after power-up)
* C: boot from cd
* T: start in Target Disk Mode
* N: Boot from Network
* cmd + shift + R + D: reset the video settings
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